
No pay increase 7 years

Only increase are the ones that the government mandates for minimum wage. So 7 years on and I am minimum wage earner. As my duties increased I requested pay increases. Lots of excuses that are not a “me” problem but a “they” problem with no pay increase. When I do go with why I deserve an increase they find OLD NEVER MENTIONED infractions to deny me. Owner and life partner are the ones I have to deal with. I am 7 months away from retiring and have 2 weeks vacation time I have requested to use but they can't commit to as it is busy season. I walk with a cane due to a degenerative disease, my spouse is disabled. Sick of not being paid what I am worth so I have scaled back on the amount of invoicing and the speed I did it at. I walk slower than…

Only increase are the ones that the government mandates for minimum wage. So 7 years on and I am minimum wage earner. As my duties increased I requested pay increases. Lots of excuses that are not a “me” problem but a “they” problem with no pay increase. When I do go with why I deserve an increase they find OLD NEVER MENTIONED infractions to deny me. Owner and life partner are the ones I have to deal with. I am 7 months away from retiring and have 2 weeks vacation time I have requested to use but they can't commit to as it is busy season. I walk with a cane due to a degenerative disease, my spouse is disabled. Sick of not being paid what I am worth so I have scaled back on the amount of invoicing and the speed I did it at. I walk slower than necessary and ask for a lot of help lifting and carrying items. I was off work 8 weeks because of surgery earlier this year and have a second surgery coming soon. If I play my cards right I will cut my 7 months to 4.5 months. Would give notice but they fired a co-worker did and I can't afford that. What would you do?

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