
No raise after 1.5 years, I’m doing all my managers work by now.

Great initial offer at a small company. Thought it was an amazing place. Good people, for the most part understanding management. The CFO runs the place and I found out he never gives raises unless you threaten to leave. Then “maybe”. I’ve asked for a raise 3 times, all have been denied & some speech given. Not even by him, by the person under him. Acts like he’s a big shot and how he’s friends with everyone when he comes in. Over the 1.5 years I literally run the whole department and constantly get asked to solve problems that aren’t my job & my manager is basically at her desk all day watching videos on her phone acting like she does work. I feel like I’m being taken advantage of, but I like my coworkers and my commute is 3 min, I have 4 10’s. Maybe I just need to…

Great initial offer at a small company. Thought it was an amazing place. Good people, for the most part understanding management. The CFO runs the place and I found out he never gives raises unless you threaten to leave. Then “maybe”. I’ve asked for a raise 3 times, all have been denied & some speech given. Not even by him, by the person under him. Acts like he’s a big shot and how he’s friends with everyone when he comes in. Over the 1.5 years I literally run the whole department and constantly get asked to solve problems that aren’t my job & my manager is basically at her desk all day watching videos on her phone acting like she does work. I feel like I’m being taken advantage of, but I like my coworkers and my commute is 3 min, I have 4 10’s. Maybe I just need to be thankful, but damn this job just keeps getting harder and I feel lost without any possibility of a raise or moving up.

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