
No retirement, no home, why should we be motivated?

My boss is a nice person but she is one of those people who values her career very highly. To her credit, she works very hard and is very enthusiastic. But she is often disappointed by the low work ethic of people she hires. And she just “doesn't get” why workers don't care anymore. I understand her frustration, maybe, if this was still 1985. But the thing is… we have nothing. We don't have hope for owning a home or retiring or even at this point for living in an apartment alone. Why should someone we hire for 17$ an hour even care? What is the point? To work hard at a job that can only maybe afford you a crappy apartment with 3 other roommates and no hope of a future? We are surviving, not thriving. Living through the collapse of this empire and hyper-capitalism is emotionally devastating tbh.

My boss is a nice person but she is one of those people who values her career very highly. To her credit, she works very hard and is very enthusiastic.

But she is often disappointed by the low work ethic of people she hires. And she just “doesn't get” why workers don't care anymore.

I understand her frustration, maybe, if this was still 1985.

But the thing is… we have nothing. We don't have hope for owning a home or retiring or even at this point for living in an apartment alone.

Why should someone we hire for 17$ an hour even care? What is the point? To work hard at a job that can only maybe afford you a crappy apartment with 3 other roommates and no hope of a future? We are surviving, not thriving.

Living through the collapse of this empire and hyper-capitalism is emotionally devastating tbh.

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