
No Talent no skill no rhyme or reason!

My thoughts will never matter, my ideas who cares, I am but a number on a spread sheet on a cooperate record. I have no name no face to the CEO's that make the choices that bring in the money the stock holders reap the benefits. never caring about the people at the bottom never thinking about the little guy. while those numbers on the spread sheet struggle to feed their family struggle to be cared about. fight for the scraps that they are given being told just do that project it will pay off it will help you move up to get that next big raze only to be given less then it takes to survive.

My thoughts will never matter, my ideas who cares, I am but a number on a spread sheet on a cooperate record. I have no name no face to the CEO's that make the choices that bring in the money the stock holders reap the benefits. never caring about the people at the bottom never thinking about the little guy. while those numbers on the spread sheet struggle to feed their family struggle to be cared about. fight for the scraps that they are given being told just do that project it will pay off it will help you move up to get that next big raze only to be given less then it takes to survive.

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