
No, that corporation doesn’t care about you. Prioritize Yourself.

Rant I am your model employee. I never called off and always worked overtime. Spent time away from family because of work. Powered through COVID and gave my all as a Healthcare worker aka COVID healthcare provider. I was on the front lines and worked 7 days a week. My family wasn't seeing me. I powered through it all and suffer PTSD from all experienced. I'm in extended therapy now for depression, alcoholism ( brought on by numbing the pain of PTSD) and PTSD. All my boss and coworkers can do is repeatedly text me from time to time if and when I'm coming back to work and that I'm being asked for by everyone. Zero sympathy or understanding. It only about when I'm coming back because I held everything on the floor together with my outstanding leadership and conflict resolution skills. Fuck them. I'm prioritizing myself and my needs…


I am your model employee. I never called off and always worked overtime. Spent time away from family because of work. Powered through COVID and gave my all as a Healthcare worker aka COVID healthcare provider. I was on the front lines and worked 7 days a week. My family wasn't seeing me. I powered through it all and suffer PTSD from all experienced. I'm in extended therapy now for depression, alcoholism ( brought on by numbing the pain of PTSD) and PTSD.

All my boss and coworkers can do is repeatedly text me from time to time if and when I'm coming back to work and that I'm being asked for by everyone. Zero sympathy or understanding. It only about when I'm coming back because I held everything on the floor together with my outstanding leadership and conflict resolution skills. Fuck them. I'm prioritizing myself and my needs now. It is so disgusting how we healthcare workers made millions for these healthcare corps during COVID and we paid with it with our mental health and physical health and the mental health of our kids, while our CEOs and overlords took home millions and the corporations made obscene profits off our back. I have realized I'm nothing but a number. A coworker of mine repeatedly calls me monthly and informs me that everything is falling apart due to my absence. Fuck em, let it fall apart. I'm taking care of my health now.

No, they don't care about you. They care about only what you can give them. Rant over.

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