
No training at new job

I just got a new job as a sailsperson in a very luxury shop. I have no experience in this kind of job what so ever, I applied only cause in their ad it said they will train you for 6 months at least. They also know i have no experience. Its been only 3(!!)days, i have little to no training cause they are always busy and im already expected to know stuff when they ask me to do it. Even if they show me first, its so rushed i cant even grasp it or remember it. I just feel so stupid and overwhelmed and like i will never be able to grasp it like Others that work there did. I dont know what to do, my manager apologised for not having much time to train me, and gave me some books about products to learn at home after work…

I just got a new job as a sailsperson in a very luxury shop. I have no experience in this kind of job what so ever, I applied only cause in their ad it said they will train you for 6 months at least. They also know i have no experience. Its been only 3(!!)days, i have little to no training cause they are always busy and im already expected to know stuff when they ask me to do it. Even if they show me first, its so rushed i cant even grasp it or remember it.
I just feel so stupid and overwhelmed and like i will never be able to grasp it like Others that work there did. I dont know what to do, my manager apologised for not having much time to train me, and gave me some books about products to learn at home after work (which is also so draining, cause i wake up early, come home really late and im expected to learn then)
Idk what to do, i dont want to quit cause i really need the money for my family, but also i feel all the pressure on me to learn all really fast and i just cant,which is making my mental health (which is not good already, i have high anxiety also) go down Really fast.
i feel Incompetent and have panic attacks all the time, fearing i will never learn it all and be good at it. Any advice would do good.

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