
No work requirments?

I recently started working as a personal shopper for a retail warehouse that rhymes with Pam's. Thinking it would be easier than the amazon FC I accepted the position. The job description had no minimum job requirements listed. In the interview no questions were asked and no mention of lifting requirements. Im 2 weeks into this job and finally reached out to HR to find out the lifting requirements for this job is 70lbs. The location is so short staffed the shelves are barely stocked and I'm constantly digging into pallets in the freezer/cooler to pick the items I need, so I'm stuck doing my job and that of merchandisers. I'm a 130lb woman coming off disability. Everything hurts and I feel like I'm going to die if I have to do this job another day. I feel deceived by this corporation. I physically cannot do this job.

I recently started working as a personal shopper for a retail warehouse that rhymes with Pam's. Thinking it would be easier than the amazon FC I accepted the position.

The job description had no minimum job requirements listed. In the interview no questions were asked and no mention of lifting requirements. Im 2 weeks into this job and finally reached out to HR to find out the lifting requirements for this job is 70lbs.

The location is so short staffed the shelves are barely stocked and I'm constantly digging into pallets in the freezer/cooler to pick the items I need, so I'm stuck doing my job and that of merchandisers.

I'm a 130lb woman coming off disability. Everything hurts and I feel like I'm going to die if I have to do this job another day. I feel deceived by this corporation. I physically cannot do this job.

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