
No you cant have your surgery, because someone from another dept will be on vacation.

I’m finally resigning from this job. I will never forget when my supervisor denied me Two sick days (I had 20 days left). I told her about the surgery in May, but the surgery was scheduled for September. The reason was because someone from another dept requested a vacation for that week, but that person has NOTHING to do with my dept or my duties. Also, she could’ve covered for me because we both hold the same certifications, etc. She even said tell your dr to change your date to a later time. Excuse me! I had to have a polyp removed from my uterus that caused my miscarriage. Sickening.

I’m finally resigning from this job. I will never forget when my supervisor denied me Two sick days (I had 20 days left). I told her about the surgery in May, but the surgery was scheduled for September. The reason was because someone from another dept requested a vacation for that week, but that person has NOTHING to do with my dept or my duties. Also, she could’ve covered for me because we both hold the same certifications, etc.

She even said tell your dr to change your date to a later time. Excuse me! I had to have a polyp removed from my uterus that caused my miscarriage. Sickening.

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