
“Nobody owes you anything”

I’ve seen this so many times and I just wanna say BS, STFU. this is the kind of answer and attitude that enables people, more specifically a-hole supervisors to get away with abusive behavior. A better and more accurate answer would be “Yes, everyone deserves to be treated respectfully and that person probably shouldn’t be in a leadership position but there is literally no protection from hostile work environments and management is allowed to get away with it as long as it isn’t sexual harassment against a female employee, racist or homophobic, everything is okay unless you are treating management the same way they treat you, then you will likely be terminated.” It seems like respectful work environments are more and more difficult to find these days and it’s turning into just basically slavery with just a few rules they have to follow when it comes to protected groups but…

I’ve seen this so many times and I just wanna say BS, STFU. this is the kind of answer and attitude that enables people, more specifically a-hole supervisors to get away with abusive behavior. A better and more accurate answer would be “Yes, everyone deserves to be treated respectfully and that person probably shouldn’t be in a leadership position but there is literally no protection from hostile work environments and management is allowed to get away with it as long as it isn’t sexual harassment against a female employee, racist or homophobic, everything is okay unless you are treating management the same way they treat you, then you will likely be terminated.”

It seems like respectful work environments are more and more difficult to find these days and it’s turning into just basically slavery with just a few rules they have to follow when it comes to protected groups but they are still allowed to be cruel and make peoples lives miserable for no reason to make themselves feel powerful. Such a sick and pathetic culture. If you’re a gen z you probably think it’s the norm and maybe that’s where the “nobody owes you anything” attitude is coming from. Most of the horrible attitudes from supervisors or management also seem to come from millennials, all my gen x bosses have been pretty chill for the most part, but damn the millennials retail supervisors are some of the most petty and insecure hateful mf’ers I’ve ever encountered, some of em I don’t even work for!

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