
Non mandatory days are apparently mandatory??

I’ve been a temp at a huge plant for almost a year. There are approximately 25 temps. Production has been slow so they stopped production on one day out of the week. All the supervisors stuck their neck out for their crews, complaining about how their guys aren’t getting a 40hr week. Plant managers and supervisors came to an agreement that that day would be an optional/courtesy “maintenance” day. This day is dedicated to cleaning, painting, and spiffing up the place. Now I’m hearing this “optional” day isn’t so optional. They ASK if you’d like to work that “optional” day then complain if you say no. For us temps it’s much worse. They threaten to not hire you on if you don’t get your 40hrs even though it’s just a courtesy. How does this make sense? Give someone an option then be mad at the option they chose AND give…

I’ve been a temp at a huge plant for almost a year. There are approximately 25 temps. Production has been slow so they stopped production on one day out of the week. All the supervisors stuck their neck out for their crews, complaining about how their guys aren’t getting a 40hr week. Plant managers and supervisors came to an agreement that that day would be an optional/courtesy “maintenance” day. This day is dedicated to cleaning, painting, and spiffing up the place. Now I’m hearing this “optional” day isn’t so optional. They ASK if you’d like to work that “optional” day then complain if you say no. For us temps it’s much worse. They threaten to not hire you on if you don’t get your 40hrs even though it’s just a courtesy. How does this make sense? Give someone an option then be mad at the option they chose AND give repercussions to said option. I hate this “work, sleep, die” mentality. People could use that day for family, house chores, hobbies, or just plain rest and relaxation. I’d rather my kids and wife not resent me for not being home ESPECIALLY when it’s “optional” because of some old dumbass mentality.

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