
Non-productive income, voting, and taxation.

Am I the only who thinks all shares from passive investors of businesses should actually be non-voting shares, and that the only people we should be taxing are those that obtain large amounts of income non productively like those passive investors/landlords? A business shouldn't be serving its shareholders because those people are completely disconnected from the experiences that inform the decisions that make a business a success, except for a small minority that actually work like the founders or the CEO. A business should actually be serving all stakeholders, but with those that are not productive not getting a say in anything at all. Passive shareholders shouldn't get a say on how a business adjusts to new labor saving technology or methods, only the workers (and perhaps first and foremost the workers that own parts of the business) should be deciding on that. It's probably the main reason why we…

Am I the only who thinks all shares from passive investors of businesses should actually be non-voting shares, and that the only people we should be taxing are those that obtain large amounts of income non productively like those passive investors/landlords? A business shouldn't be serving its shareholders because those people are completely disconnected from the experiences that inform the decisions that make a business a success, except for a small minority that actually work like the founders or the CEO. A business should actually be serving all stakeholders, but with those that are not productive not getting a say in anything at all.

Passive shareholders shouldn't get a say on how a business adjusts to new labor saving technology or methods, only the workers (and perhaps first and foremost the workers that own parts of the business) should be deciding on that. It's probably the main reason why we work so damn much. Who cares about the workers when you can just get some of them fired to save costs upon a new labor saving technology or method being introduced? It is basically all an elaborate scam… you are effectively conferred part ownership (responsibility) of a resource in the place of the actual owners but with the proceeds of its usage being used against you.

But I would say another reason why we work so much is because businesses have not been setting up better employment systems and opt for the wage labor system almost all the time. Wage labor does not properly reward productivity because it provides disincentives for workers to make use of their resources. Why do more than maybe the bare minimum you would need to get a promotion when you have to stay the whole of the eight hours? You don't even get a chance to leave after you are basically done with your work, you have to clock in for the entire time.

Then there's the whole shit with planned obsolescence and bullshit jobs. It's all a fucking rat race hahahaha.

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