
Normalizing Wage Conversation

How effective would it be if Americans (or heck maybe everyone?) started advertising their wage publicly? Why isn’t this more talked about? I always found it hard to figure out where to work or even apply because I never knew what range of wages was even available to me. Even the job I have now I had sortve recommended to me otherwise I never even would’ve known to apply there. Should we all be wearing a “hello my wage is…” sticker all the time to bring up pay gaps ? If it was listed on our social medias and everyone saw how much we make in a year would that make people question pay gaps more? If not, why? Why isn’t this some of the first things that get brought up when you meet your coworkers? Because it’s socially unacceptable/ rude?

How effective would it be if Americans (or heck maybe everyone?) started advertising their wage publicly? Why isn’t this more talked about? I always found it hard to figure out where to work or even apply because I never knew what range of wages was even available to me. Even the job I have now I had sortve recommended to me otherwise I never even would’ve known to apply there. Should we all be wearing a “hello my wage is…” sticker all the time to bring up pay gaps ? If it was listed on our social medias and everyone saw how much we make in a year would that make people question pay gaps more? If not, why? Why isn’t this some of the first things that get brought up when you meet your coworkers? Because it’s socially unacceptable/ rude?

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