
Not accepting job offer

I applied for full time for a job that pays $18.00/hr. I was supposed to be interviewed last week but they fucked up on their end and I ended up being interviewed a couple days ago. I had put I wanted to work full time and work 8am-6pm. At the interview they tell me they will most likely be able to give me part time and I will be working 2pm-11pm some days. Tell me that they got swamped out of nowhere and their full time positions are full for the most part. Why the fuck was I contacted if the only positions they have are part time when I specifically wanted full time? $18.00/hr sounds amazing but when im not even guaranteed I'll be working 30 hours a week that's barely enough to scrape by. Not gonna be accepting a job offer if you ain't gonna give me the…

I applied for full time for a job that pays $18.00/hr. I was supposed to be interviewed last week but they fucked up on their end and I ended up being interviewed a couple days ago. I had put I wanted to work full time and work 8am-6pm. At the interview they tell me they will most likely be able to give me part time and I will be working 2pm-11pm some days. Tell me that they got swamped out of nowhere and their full time positions are full for the most part. Why the fuck was I contacted if the only positions they have are part time when I specifically wanted full time? $18.00/hr sounds amazing but when im not even guaranteed I'll be working 30 hours a week that's barely enough to scrape by. Not gonna be accepting a job offer if you ain't gonna give me the full time that I wanted :/

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