
not being able to have earbuds is weird.

so i just got a job at a warehouse and its my first warehouse job ever, all i do at it us just check and pack plastic bottles for 8 hours a day and 5 days a week. the job is extremely loud and they give u ear plugs but they suck major ass and are very uncomfortable. so i asked around if earbuds are allowed and there are some that say yes and some that say no… so i decide to just wear one earbud in and they are wireless so no biggie right? well ig ive been the “talk around town” cause i wear an earbud and ive had one supervisor say something to me when i had my wired ones in on the first day. so im sure there will be more said about them and its so fucking dumb. they help me concentrate and focus and…

so i just got a job at a warehouse and its my first warehouse job ever, all i do at it us just check and pack plastic bottles for 8 hours a day and 5 days a week. the job is extremely loud and they give u ear plugs but they suck major ass and are very uncomfortable. so i asked around if earbuds are allowed and there are some that say yes and some that say no… so i decide to just wear one earbud in and they are wireless so no biggie right?
well ig ive been the “talk around town” cause i wear an earbud and ive had one supervisor say something to me when i had my wired ones in on the first day.
so im sure there will be more said about them and its so fucking dumb.
they help me concentrate and focus and not hate the job as much so i just dont understand why these morons are so against them.
people are idiots.

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