
Not getting responses to my CV after being let go – should I lie in my CV?

Well, maybe omit, rather than lie…. I got let go during my probation after 3 months. There were no signs it will happen, and HR had not let me know the reason. The firing was done online in less than 2 min, my manager was not involved. So not only did I never speak to my manager, but I don't know the reason why I was let go. I have 2 questions: 1. Should I include the 3 months on my CV? So far I have and during interviews and in cover letters I've been saying I was let go due to economic down turn (I work in tech). Which technically I don't know if it's true. Should I reach out to my old manager to ask if I can expect her to give me a reference? If so, what exactly should I ask for? Last year, when I was…

Well, maybe omit, rather than lie….

I got let go during my probation after 3 months. There were no signs it will happen, and HR had not let me know the reason. The firing was done online in less than 2 min, my manager was not involved. So not only did I never speak to my manager, but I don't know the reason why I was let go.

I have 2 questions: 1. Should I include the 3 months on my CV? So far I have and during interviews and in cover letters I've been saying I was let go due to economic down turn (I work in tech). Which technically I don't know if it's true.

  1. Should I reach out to my old manager to ask if I can expect her to give me a reference? If so, what exactly should I ask for?

Last year, when I was looking for a job I was getting way more call backs, so I am wondering if the market is currently really this bad, or if the lack of call backs is due to my last role being listed as a 3-4 month role.

I'm getting really confused at how few interviews I'm getting now, compared to 10 months ago.

I am thinking of completely removing the 3 month gig, altough it was at a great company, and maybe say I took time off to look after a sick family member?

Additional info: I'm based in Europe.

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