
Not going to holiday gatherings

I just started a new job, but I work mostly remotely and go in at most two days a week where I rarely see coworkers. There is one person I regularly get coffee with. My direct superior is based in another country and the others in my department operate just like me, coming in even less. I was invited to two holiday gatherings and it was really nice of them to invite me as it will help me get to know more people. But yesterday I decided not to go and now today I really don't want to go to the one tonight. Can anyone help me feel less guilty? Like I know it'll be good for networking and getting to know coworkers but I'm just not feeling it. Or, alternatively, bully me into going. I just can't take this in between stressed feeling.

I just started a new job, but I work mostly remotely and go in at most two days a week where I rarely see coworkers. There is one person I regularly get coffee with. My direct superior is based in another country and the others in my department operate just like me, coming in even less. I was invited to two holiday gatherings and it was really nice of them to invite me as it will help me get to know more people. But yesterday I decided not to go and now today I really don't want to go to the one tonight. Can anyone help me feel less guilty? Like I know it'll be good for networking and getting to know coworkers but I'm just not feeling it. Or, alternatively, bully me into going. I just can't take this in between stressed feeling.

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