
Not having a job at 19

I currently live with my parents and attend college (online), I've been applying for jobs for the past 2 months and am starting to feel hopeless/useless? My parents made it clear that they are fine with me not working during school but would like it if I had a summer job for extra cash and socializing. I know my own limitations (high anxiety and asd) but it also makes it nearly impossible to work anywhere that will actually hire me. Maybe its the capitalism in me talking but I constantly feel like im falling behind everybody my age who started working at 16/17 or can handle high stress jobs + college. I just kinda feel like im freeloading and am not acting like an adult should. Even though I know it's not true and that I am doing the best with my limitations. Has anyone else here felt the same…

I currently live with my parents and attend college (online), I've been applying for jobs for the past 2 months and am starting to feel hopeless/useless? My parents made it clear that they are fine with me not working during school but would like it if I had a summer job for extra cash and socializing. I know my own limitations (high anxiety and asd) but it also makes it nearly impossible to work anywhere that will actually hire me.

Maybe its the capitalism in me talking but I constantly feel like im falling behind everybody my age who started working at 16/17 or can handle high stress jobs + college. I just kinda feel like im freeloading and am not acting like an adult should. Even though I know it's not true and that I am doing the best with my limitations. Has anyone else here felt the same way/have advice for getting out of this mindset?

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