
not meeting deadlines because I am doing the job of 2 people, solution? time management class!

So I have been in this job for almost a year now; the first half was ok because I had a bunch of overtime, enough for me to be able to pay my bills. However, all of the sudden, they took it all away from me, I went from working 45-50 hours a week to a regular 40 hours per week. And I absolutely hate it. Not only I am no loner earning that overtime, I am still expected to be as productive, they will give me even more responsabilities AND I aint got no raise!! I have so much work and I am so stressed out, I dont even take my breaks, there are days where I have terrible headaches because of the pressure, and my workload is such that I am still not even close to finish what I have for the day. So, obviously they did not…

So I have been in this job for almost a year now; the first half was ok because I had a bunch of overtime, enough for me to be able to pay my bills. However, all of the sudden, they took it all away from me, I went from working 45-50 hours a week to a regular 40 hours per week. And I absolutely hate it. Not only I am no loner earning that overtime, I am still expected to be as productive, they will give me even more responsabilities AND I aint got no raise!! I have so much work and I am so stressed out, I dont even take my breaks, there are days where I have terrible headaches because of the pressure, and my workload is such that I am still not even close to finish what I have for the day. So, obviously they did not like it, so, what is the solution? Did I get a raise? Did I get the overtime back? Do I at least have less work? nope, I HAVE TO GIVE AWAY ANOTHER DAY OF WORK AND CLOCK IN EVEN EARLIER TO LISTEN TO AN 8 HOUR LONG ONLINE TIME MANAGEMENT CLASS!

All while I make barely enough money to survive… I will look for another job asap. Just wanted to ventilate a bit. Fuck corporations, and fuck greedy ceo's willing to sacrifice employees' well being just to not spend more money on another salary.

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