
Not paying? Threatening me when I ask for my due paychecks? Enjoy your $4k/mo shortage.

I am a music teacher. I do drums, guitar, piano, ukulele, bass guitar, and classical percussion, along with partwriting, music theory, and solfege training. As such, I have a LOT of students. The store I was formerly working for had recently changed ownership, and the new owners had taken it upon themselves to dodge paying the teachers as much as possible. After the amount owed ran over $3000, I started making noise, which was met with a letter from the owner that my actions could be construed as harassment and threatened me with legal action if they didnt stop. Oh my…fuck you with a cactus. That momebt, I group-messaged every single one of my 42 students and alerted them that I would not be returning to the store or continuing lessons with them through the store because they werent paying their teachers. I encouraged them all to book me privately,…

I am a music teacher. I do drums, guitar, piano, ukulele, bass guitar, and classical percussion, along with partwriting, music theory, and solfege training. As such, I have a LOT of students. The store I was formerly working for had recently changed ownership, and the new owners had taken it upon themselves to dodge paying the teachers as much as possible. After the amount owed ran over $3000, I started making noise, which was met with a letter from the owner that my actions could be construed as harassment and threatened me with legal action if they didnt stop. Oh my…fuck you with a cactus. That momebt, I group-messaged every single one of my 42 students and alerted them that I would not be returning to the store or continuing lessons with them through the store because they werent paying their teachers. I encouraged them all to book me privately, which 33 of them did. After receiving a notice of termination and another threatening letter from the store citing the non compete clause I had signed, I replied with an even more threatening letter telling I was coming after them, lawyers in tow (lol, bs) for wage theft. They decided to pay me off and leave me alone to teach my students in peace. That store still exists, under new ownership, yet again, but I went from making 2k/mo to over 4k/mo, with 1/4 fewer students.

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