
Not taking out Unemployment taxes? – NJ

My coming recently switched to a new payroll program a few weeks ago. A lot of people had a lot of different issues so I’ve been super weary of my pay being accurate. Unfortunately the first 2 or 3 weeks I had a bunch of OT so I couldn’t see if everything was correct. About 3 weeks ago I finally had a straight 40 hour pay week in the new program. Comparing it to an old pay stub, I noticed it was $5 more because they stopped taking out “Unemployment Tax”. I’ve put in a ticket to HR but no one has answered. Is this illegal? Will I be on the hook for the $20 or $30 bucks? It’s not gonna make or break mezcal just wondering if they’ve made a bigger mistake than I’m making it out to be.

My coming recently switched to a new payroll program a few weeks ago. A lot of people had a lot of different issues so I’ve been super weary of my pay being accurate. Unfortunately the first 2 or 3 weeks I had a bunch of OT so I couldn’t see if everything was correct.

About 3 weeks ago I finally had a straight 40 hour pay week in the new program. Comparing it to an old pay stub, I noticed it was $5 more because they stopped taking out “Unemployment Tax”.

I’ve put in a ticket to HR but no one has answered. Is this illegal? Will I be on the hook for the $20 or $30 bucks? It’s not gonna make or break mezcal just wondering if they’ve made a bigger mistake than I’m making it out to be.

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