
Not willing to give my job any of my free time

The head of my department is requesting that my coworkers and I drive an hour to a convention center this coming Sunday morning to help set up my companies booth. We have to be there by 8:30 am… I went last year to help set up and ended up not really needing to do much at all. I left early and apparently that didn’t sit well with my boss. I didn’t care. I’ve not shown up a couple times to “help set stuff up” to a few other things and have been told that I’m “not being a team player” by my manager. Sorry I don’t brown nose the boss, but to me, this off the clock stuff is strictly volunteer work and I’m not willing to volunteer my free time for a job I don’t even like. Would like to note that I don’t even get to attend the…

The head of my department is requesting that my coworkers and I drive an hour to a convention center this coming Sunday morning to help set up my companies booth. We have to be there by 8:30 am…

I went last year to help set up and ended up not really needing to do much at all. I left early and apparently that didn’t sit well with my boss. I didn’t care. I’ve not shown up a couple times to “help set stuff up” to a few other things and have been told that I’m “not being a team player” by my manager. Sorry I don’t brown nose the boss, but to me, this off the clock stuff is strictly volunteer work and I’m not willing to volunteer my free time for a job I don’t even like.

Would like to note that I don’t even get to attend the conference this year so why would I waste my time helping set it up. I also just found out about having to set up yesterday, but plans have already been made well in advance for this coming weekend and they involve me going out of town. I’m a salary employee, but I don’t think that means my free time is theirs to do with what they please. Just would hate to get the whole team player speech again.

I have a meeting with my manager on Thursday and I’m sure this topic is going to come up. What’s the best way to tell them I can’t come because I already have plans?

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