
Not working hard enough

Ever been in a workplace where people constantly complain about other people not working hard enough when they themselves are stressed out already? It's as if the management are that bad, they let the workers manage each other amongst themselves, constantly belittling each other about how long others take breaks, how little work others do without giving some of their work to others? Stress is an honour system these days, nothing more than self-gratification, a false sense of pride in that going the extra mile that fills some people with pride. What is their reward? It's definitely not extra money, it's more work My approach has always been to work with the bare minimum of effort, sit and watch YouTube, listen to tunes for most of the day. I'll send an occasional e-mail out with my colleagues copied in so they think I'm doing something at least but they don't…

Ever been in a workplace where people constantly complain about other people not working hard enough when they themselves are stressed out already?

It's as if the management are that bad, they let the workers manage each other amongst themselves, constantly belittling each other about how long others take breaks, how little work others do without giving some of their work to others?

Stress is an honour system these days, nothing more than self-gratification, a false sense of pride in that going the extra mile that fills some people with pride. What is their reward? It's definitely not extra money, it's more work

My approach has always been to work with the bare minimum of effort, sit and watch YouTube, listen to tunes for most of the day. I'll send an occasional e-mail out with my colleagues copied in so they think I'm doing something at least but they don't seem to bother me as much. Well, except for one person, who used to work in a multinational company and likes to point out little problems now and again, copying my boss into the e-mails showing what a naughty guy I am sometimes.

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