
Nothing will change until we have tent cities in Washington DC the housing crisis needs to be brought right to Congresses doorstep

The idea that home prices and rental prices are this high and it’s creating this much anxiety and stress among regular people is unbearable. A person working one full time job should be able to at a minimum afford the rent on an average apartment month to month and have savings and a decent standard of living. That person shouldn’t have to work 80 hours a week to just barely scrape by. The politicians in the US have sold us out. Democrat or Republican is of no consequence. If you want proof. The best example is the vote for the Iraq war. The vast majority of Republicans voted for that war and 75% of Democrats crossed over and voted for it. There isn’t a two party system. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system. One unitary corporatist party. One unitary war party. One unitary party that…

The idea that home prices and rental prices are this high and it’s creating this much anxiety and stress among regular people is unbearable. A person working one full time job should be able to at a minimum afford the rent on an average apartment month to month and have savings and a decent standard of living. That person shouldn’t have to work 80 hours a week to just barely scrape by.

The politicians in the US have sold us out. Democrat or Republican is of no consequence. If you want proof. The best example is the vote for the Iraq war. The vast majority of Republicans voted for that war and 75% of Democrats crossed over and voted for it. There isn’t a two party system. It’s a one party system masquerading as a two party system. One unitary corporatist party. One unitary war party. One unitary party that sold the American people out for the benefit of corporations.

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