
Obvious Nepotism For External Job Hiring [England}

Hello, Going to crosspost this in UKLegalAdvice as well. I work Front of House for a theatre. I and another person (Let's say Warner) also cover Stage Door position when required for a few months now (About 2-3 shifts a week minimum, often times more). The previous full-time SDK (Let's say Steve) trained me thoroughly and adequately because they had a job interview and wanted me to replace them. Recently, Steve and one other full-time SDK left and so the job vacancy was posted (With the third and final full-time SDK going on Parental Leave within the next week or 2, but their position is covered by a different FOH/Cover SDK (Let's say Bruce). I and Warner applied, got the second interview (The 4 other people were external. I worked SDK that day so I saw everyone come in). We were both rejected. We found out they hired TWO people…


Going to crosspost this in UKLegalAdvice as well.

I work Front of House for a theatre. I and another person (Let's say Warner) also cover Stage Door position when required for a few months now (About 2-3 shifts a week minimum, often times more). The previous full-time SDK (Let's say Steve) trained me thoroughly and adequately because they had a job interview and wanted me to replace them.

Recently, Steve and one other full-time SDK left and so the job vacancy was posted (With the third and final full-time SDK going on Parental Leave within the next week or 2, but their position is covered by a different FOH/Cover SDK (Let's say Bruce). I and Warner applied, got the second interview (The 4 other people were external. I worked SDK that day so I saw everyone come in). We were both rejected.

We found out they hired TWO people for the position, both external. One person we have no clue who it is, but the other is the hiring manager's boyfriend. (Confirmed by Warner who knew the Hiring (Assistant House) Manager from another job).
They have no stage door experience and are a supervisor at another theatre that just went dark.

Wondering if there is any grounds to file a complaint, but I know antiwork's motto of “Don't trust HR.”

To add fuel to the fire, if applicable:

  • The House Manager was NOT in any interviews, but their partner, who works in Facilities, was the other interviewer as well. The House Manager's sibling is also a manager at this place, but in a cover dm role. The House Manager did do all the paperwork and email transactions, including the rejection.
  • The AHM is also about 2-3 months new to the role and only recently given the responsibility of line managing SDK. Before, Steve literally handled the schedules, the procedures and literally everything pertaining to that position (at the same hourly rate as the other SDKs).
  • Bruce is not as familiar with the position as they should be to be training new people, as they were mainly FOH. So in theory, I and Warner applied are the most experienced and knowledgeable in how things work and where things are. We wouldn't put it past them if they asked us to train the new people in the position that we were rejected for.

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