
Occupational health referral on birthday

Happened a while ago but still annoyed about it all. I’m having some issues with my work and my disability. I’m trying my hardest with it all as I do enjoy the work just can’t always meet their expectations. As such my boss is getting an occupational health assessment to help (but I think it’s just them looking down routes to legally fire me). I had been waitng for HR to sort it for 6 months or so. I booked mon-wed off for my birthday. HR decided of all the days that week to send off the form exactly on my birthday. I had my work email switched off for holiday but I got a text on my private number with login info for the assessment. They knew it was my birthday and could of waited to send it until the day after or day before but decided the morning…

Happened a while ago but still annoyed about it all.

I’m having some issues with my work and my disability. I’m trying my hardest with it all as I do enjoy the work just can’t always meet their expectations. As such my boss is getting an occupational health assessment to help (but I think it’s just them looking down routes to legally fire me). I had been waitng for HR to sort it for 6 months or so.

I booked mon-wed off for my birthday. HR decided of all the days that week to send off the form exactly on my birthday. I had my work email switched off for holiday but I got a text on my private number with login info for the assessment.

They knew it was my birthday and could of waited to send it until the day after or day before but decided the morning of birthday was a great day to remind me about how I’m not good enough…

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