
Ocharleys sucks.

As the title suggests, we were all laid off without any notice today. 250$ severance and a fuck you have a nice day. Doesn’t anyone else just love when a store shuts down and doesn’t give any notice to its employees? 30+ people without any work now and it’s just like well to bad. To be fair other stores were getting shut down however they had just installed new AC units at my store so thought we were safe. Apparently not. Edit: spelling

As the title suggests, we were all laid off without any notice today. 250$ severance and a fuck you have a nice day. Doesn’t anyone else just love when a store shuts down and doesn’t give any notice to its employees? 30+ people without any work now and it’s just like well to bad. To be fair other stores were getting shut down however they had just installed new AC units at my store so thought we were safe. Apparently not.

Edit: spelling

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