
Offensive Raises?

I think I just need perspective and input. I don't know if I'm being unreasonable or not. I just had my annual review after being at the company I work for for almost 2 years. I have a white collar job for the most part and build the statistical models and do the data reporting on the operations management side of the house. My job is pretty stressful because if I make a mistake, it can be incredibly expensive. Sr. Managers & executives make decisions based on the data I model. Last year, I worked my ass off to go after & lead initiatives that resulted in the savings of hundreds of thousands of dollars for the company. I also took on duties of a peer that left early last spring and did (essentially) two jobs AND trained the replacement employee from early spring to early winter. All of this…

I think I just need perspective and input. I don't know if I'm being unreasonable or not.

I just had my annual review after being at the company I work for for almost 2 years. I have a white collar job for the most part and build the statistical models and do the data reporting on the operations management side of the house. My job is pretty stressful because if I make a mistake, it can be incredibly expensive. Sr. Managers & executives make decisions based on the data I model.
Last year, I worked my ass off to go after & lead initiatives that resulted in the savings of hundreds of thousands of dollars for the company. I also took on duties of a peer that left early last spring and did (essentially) two jobs AND trained the replacement employee from early spring to early winter. All of this was reflected in my annual review with my boss stating, “I can't think of a single thing you didn't do with excellence. Your name specifically came up several times as the type of employee we want to hire and retain! I only wish you were able to train other employees to be like you.” I thought this was laying it on thick, but I appreciated the recognition. Then we got to the compensation part. My boss prefaced this part with a reminder that, “increases aren't based on the economy or inflation, solely on performance.” Immediately, my stomach sank. Then she revealed my raise would be 3.2%. I was a bit dumbfounded. To be clear, this is a fortune 500 company that is fairly well known and very profitable. I would know, considering I work partly in that area and helped realize massive savings for them. They don't have any trouble paying the bills. Then, to add insult to injury, she continued on (like some kind of garbage Billy Mays infomercial), “But wait, there's more!” She then advised me that because of my “excellent performance” this past year, I was being given a several thousand dollar bonus, but that it was being award as stocks that will vest over the next 5 years, with the first chunk vesting this fall. I was so shocked that I didn't say anything–just nodded and said, “ok.” I think she was expecting a different reaction because she started quickly talking about all of the “exciting upcoming projects!” Before ending our meeting early.

I took the rest of the day off to torture myself over why I ever thought doing extra and going above & beyond would ever result in anything more than added stress for myself. My boss must've gotten alarmed because she messaged me to ask if I was ok. I didn't respond, but instead took the next 2 days sick going into the weekend. I fee like an absolute idiot and realize that now I've conditioned these people to expect this performance from me, even when the reward is shit.

Am I being unreasonable? Is that raise acceptable?

It didn't even match current inflation and now I would have to stick around for the next 5 years for the full “bonus” to even be accessible to me…and that's assuming the stock price doesn't plunge at some point. I'm done. I've decided that I'm no longer going to do the extra work for this level of “incentive” and have spent this weekend looking for other roles and preparing myself for the backlash now that I'll be handing off all these projects to other people.

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