
Office is open day after Thanksgiving, I’ll be the only one there.

I work for a very small company. I am the admin assistant to 2 of the managers there (in different departments). I am the only admin assistant. I’ve never worked in an office that wasn’t closed the day after Thanksgiving. I have two kids, one in elementary and the other in daycare. Usually when the elementary school is closed for some student/teacher holiday, the daycare is available to watch my other son. So on Monday, I realize that the daycare is also going to be closed on Friday. I’m thinking well, I’m probably gonna off anyways, but I’ll see. Turns out, we’re open. So I think okay, let me check with some family and other drop-in daycares. All of the daycares are closed (go figure). Family is out of town (well, duh). So on Tuesday I make this known to my boss. Apparently, she will be out of town. As…

I work for a very small company. I am the admin assistant to 2 of the managers there (in different departments). I am the only admin assistant. I’ve never worked in an office that wasn’t closed the day after Thanksgiving.

I have two kids, one in elementary and the other in daycare. Usually when the elementary school is closed for some student/teacher holiday, the daycare is available to watch my other son.

So on Monday, I realize that the daycare is also going to be closed on Friday. I’m thinking well, I’m probably gonna off anyways, but I’ll see. Turns out, we’re open. So I think okay, let me check with some family and other drop-in daycares. All of the daycares are closed (go figure). Family is out of town (well, duh).

So on Tuesday I make this known to my boss. Apparently, she will be out of town. As will everyone else. So, she said I really needed to “figure something else”. Everything I do at work, comes directly from my bosses. For one, I won’t even have childcare. For two, they expect me to just sit around at the office all day. Even my husbands office is closed. However, the phones will be transferred to him and he will most likely get some calls, so he can’t watch the kids.

In general I just seem to always get the short end of the stick at this place anyways.

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