
Office Manager/my boss does nothing but talk and get distracted and dump her mess in my office

It drives me insane. She announces everything she does, talks herself all day LOUDLY, shouts to people across the building (not meanly, just to communicate), floats around talking to different people like it's a party, interrupts my work because she 'just remembered something' (which totally could have waited), she even interrupts me and others who are trying to eat lunch…her behavior drives me insane. And every day she's like “where has the day gone? I got nothing done!” and in my head I'm like seriously? You talked and shouted and walked from person to person socializing and interrupting people…? She also dumps her things in my office (to 'clear her desk off') but when I try to do/suggest doing something better with it, she's like “no, just leave it there for now…” and this happens every time I try to deal with the clutter she dumps on me until I…

It drives me insane. She announces everything she does, talks herself all day LOUDLY, shouts to people across the building (not meanly, just to communicate), floats around talking to different people like it's a party, interrupts my work because she 'just remembered something' (which totally could have waited), she even interrupts me and others who are trying to eat lunch…her behavior drives me insane. And every day she's like “where has the day gone? I got nothing done!” and in my head I'm like seriously? You talked and shouted and walked from person to person socializing and interrupting people…?

She also dumps her things in my office (to 'clear her desk off') but when I try to do/suggest doing something better with it, she's like “no, just leave it there for now…” and this happens every time I try to deal with the clutter she dumps on me until I give up, so now my office is a hoarded mess when I'M a very neat orderly person.

By the way, she's a REALLY sweet lady, kind and fair and has actually helped me get a raise. But some days I just want to up and quit because I can't deal with her behavior.

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