
Oh no I was suspended from work

A few months ago I started a job. That has lied to me and screwed me over since I started, and because of there bs. I was hosntly costing my more money to go to work then I would make, but stuck it out because at least it proved I was working. Anyway I show up to work today. I'm there a few hours, and get called in the the office. I was honestly hoping I was fired. As it turns out I got drug into some drama at work, and hr is looking into it. I honestly still dont know what. So I was told I'm suspended till further notice, and was told to pat attention to my phone. I was holding back laughing. Till I got out to my car. I texted a few friends what happend, and they laughed. One asked so you're free on Sunday now.…

A few months ago I started a job. That has lied to me and screwed me over since I started, and because of there bs. I was hosntly costing my more money to go to work then I would make, but stuck it out because at least it proved I was working.

Anyway I show up to work today. I'm there a few hours, and get called in the the office. I was honestly hoping I was fired. As it turns out I got drug into some drama at work, and hr is looking into it. I honestly still dont know what. So I was told I'm suspended till further notice, and was told to pat attention to my phone.

I was holding back laughing. Till I got out to my car. I texted a few friends what happend, and they laughed. One asked so you're free on Sunday now. I responded back by saying yep. He is why it's funny. I put in my two week Tuesday. I was done next Friday either way. I'm thinking even if they figure everything out by Wednesday of next week. I won't waste my time going back for two days. At least I get a week of summer this year.

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