
Oh you only have 1x permanent position?

Many years ago I worked for a logistics company as a Temp Admin. The Dept I was a part of consisted of 60% Agency on shitty pay (sub 20k), 40% permanent employees, with the high volume of Agency staff due to the business furiously working on an I.T solution that would make our work obsolete. I worked there about 3 years, during which it was discovered the agency were fraudulently accruing holiday pay incorrectly, basically skimming off the top; in order to keep the Agency Contract Manager in salon painted eyebrows…but I digress. This pissed a few people off as the agency attempted to bribe the two employees that discovered the steal, by reimbursing them…which resulted in them having to pay us all back bit-by-bit. But the damage was done and a few people found better jobs and left. Suddenly my Dept Head announces permanent positions are being made available…but,…

Many years ago I worked for a logistics company as a Temp Admin.
The Dept I was a part of consisted of 60% Agency on shitty pay (sub 20k), 40% permanent employees, with the high volume of Agency staff due to the business furiously working on an I.T solution that would make our work obsolete.

I worked there about 3 years, during which it was discovered the agency were fraudulently accruing holiday pay incorrectly, basically skimming off the top; in order to keep the Agency Contract Manager in salon painted eyebrows…but I digress.

This pissed a few people off as the agency attempted to bribe the two employees that discovered the steal, by reimbursing them…which resulted in them having to pay us all back bit-by-bit.
But the damage was done and a few people found better jobs and left.

Suddenly my Dept Head announces permanent positions are being made available…but, of course this results in only 1x role being offered, to a team of 9x where 7x are agency.
We already knew the Manager's Yes Man was the shoe-in for the role as the one that did all of her work for her, allowing her to leave at 2pm most days to go and play bingo.

So I interview, knowing it won't go anywhere, whilst interviewing everywhere else.

I get an interview for a role and share the role listing with my colleague who was as fed up as I was.
We both interview at the new place on the same day and a day later BOTH get an offer; 5k bump, paid holiday, sick pay etc.

And then we wait.
The morning the written final offer is received, I check with my colleague if she's received hers also…she has.
I write my email of resignation to the Dept Head and 10 minutes later my colleague does the same.

He talked with us both privately, separately; asking if there was anything he could do…but we both confirmed we were leaving for a permanent position for “job security”.
He asked us both to work 1 month notice, but we reminded him as Agency Staff we were required to work 2 weeks notice only.

On our last day he had us escorted from the building at lunchtime due to how happy the both of us were, and that we were discussing the salary increase in the new job.

Oh and that 'I.T Solution' that was to replace all the agency staff… I'm in contact with a friend that still works there 10 years on; they rolled it out, but due to no-one at the bottom being consulted on how things work, it failed and had to be rolled back to design phase; costing millions.

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