
oi bruv complaint

UK based, just here for a moan. My fiance and i are young professionals, both with degrees and both working, he is a vet and i a paralegal, why is it that we cant afford to do anything? we rent as we cant afford a mortgage with the current rates and can barely save up enough with the price of living crisis. we're in our 30s and hate every second of work, both the pressure and the treatment we get from clients and colleagues. i cant help but think surely theres more to life than this? Surely there has to be something that we can do so that we can actually enjoy life, not just live. i know its not easy to “make it” on social media and that there are issues that come along with the job but i cant help but find myself wishing that i could do…

UK based, just here for a moan.

My fiance and i are young professionals, both with degrees and both working, he is a vet and i a paralegal, why is it that we cant afford to do anything? we rent as we cant afford a mortgage with the current rates and can barely save up enough with the price of living crisis.

we're in our 30s and hate every second of work, both the pressure and the treatment we get from clients and colleagues. i cant help but think surely theres more to life than this? Surely there has to be something that we can do so that we can actually enjoy life, not just live.

i know its not easy to “make it” on social media and that there are issues that come along with the job but i cant help but find myself wishing that i could do that. it seems like the only job in the world where you can actually just exist. why is it fair that we've done everything we were told to do and we're still struggling. It all feels really hopeless at the moment and we both feel like we're just hanging in there for our cats, I know this is a fleeting feeling and we wont feel this way forever but its just really hard to be optimistic.

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