
Ok, r/antiwork, let’s see what you can do.

Good evening, all. Let’s see if you guys can help me solve a puzzle here. I work for a building materials manufacturing company in eastern Pennsylvania. I am currently facing a labor crisis where I cannot find a way to motivate my production employees. I have tried many carrots. I have tried many sticks. My supervisors and I are running out of gas. I’ve tried raises, substantial raises. I’ve tried perks such as large value gift cards, PTO. I have tried positive reinforcement. I have given write ups. I have issued suspensions. I have terminated low performing staff. My staff don’t even blink. They run their own production schedule. Some days they finish early. Some days they decide to drag and work 14 hour days. They skip production pieces on a daily basis. I cannot afford to keep bleeding out like this. I have tried to find good candidates, but…

Good evening, all. Let’s see if you guys can help me solve a puzzle here.

I work for a building materials manufacturing company in eastern Pennsylvania. I am currently facing a labor crisis where I cannot find a way to motivate my production employees. I have tried many carrots. I have tried many sticks. My supervisors and I are running out of gas. I’ve tried raises, substantial raises. I’ve tried perks such as large value gift cards, PTO. I have tried positive reinforcement. I have given write ups. I have issued suspensions. I have terminated low performing staff.

My staff don’t even blink. They run their own production schedule. Some days they finish early. Some days they decide to drag and work 14 hour days. They skip production pieces on a daily basis.

I cannot afford to keep bleeding out like this. I have tried to find good candidates, but it is a niche industry.

So I turn to you. What good ideas do you have for a crew that truly can’t be motivated by seemingly anything?

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