
(Old story) Am disabled, was hired to each technology to other disabled, was let go because of everyone’s hardest consumer

Some context: I’m physically challenged — I have Cerebral Palsy. I can’t walk, am non-speaking (just as it sounds. I can’t speak but I use text-to-speech to “talk”) and can only use my right hand. After I essentially flunked it of college (and not for a lack of trying. I was set up to fail though. The personal aides were a) bad, b) no-shows, or c) shady. Hell, one was outside selling drugs while I was taking a test. By the college's standards, I did good enough to come back the following year, but not by the standard of the government assistance program), I was forced to start attending a day habilitation program (basically an adult daycare for the disabled). I chose arguably the best one in my state. This one teaches the disabled how to use a computer, the internet and such. Only problem was, I was too advanced…

Some context: I’m physically challenged — I have Cerebral Palsy. I can’t walk, am non-speaking (just as it sounds. I can’t speak but I use text-to-speech to “talk”) and can only use my right hand.

After I essentially flunked it of college (and not for a lack of trying. I was set up to fail though. The personal aides were a) bad, b) no-shows, or c) shady. Hell, one was outside selling drugs while I was taking a test. By the college's standards, I did good enough to come back the following year, but not by the standard of the government assistance program), I was forced to start attending a day habilitation program (basically an adult daycare for the disabled). I chose arguably the best one in my state. This one teaches the disabled how to use a computer, the internet and such. Only problem was, I was too advanced for the program. There was literally nothing they could teach me that I didn’t already know. In fact, I was teaching the instructors new stuff. I attended the program until 2017 (I only attended so long due to my parents’ insistence but even they saw it pointless so they finally relented).

In 2013, they actually hired me and I enjoyed it. I was the only disabled employee in the program. This lasted just shy of 6 months (literally. Like 5 months and 3 weeks), at which point, I was let go because I was “not connecting to those we teach.” Bull. Every consumer but one liked me. The one who didn’t was the hardest for everyone. He was deaf, had Down Syndrome and mumbled. How do you expect the non-speaking guy (me) to communicate with him when I can’t even reach to point to the keyboard or screen, much less understand him? And they kept giving him to me constantly. Even my coworkers said what the supervisors did was not right.

Funny thing is, very shortly after I stopped attending in 2017, the main supervisor that fired me had a meltdown, exploded at everyone and was let go, herself.

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