
Omitted a job from my work history. Will my new employer rescind the offer after looking at my background check?

I've been working really crappy jobs not related to my field of study, but I finally got an offer at a company where I would be working in my field and gaining good experience. They asked me to list my employment history for the last three years, and I put down everything except for one job. I didn't mean to leave it out, I just forgot to put it down. The thing is, I was only at that job for a couple of weeks anyway and didn't have a good experience there at all, so I don't really feel like it's relevant anyway. But I'm worried that my new employer will do a background check, see that I've omitted that job, think that I'm sketchy, and rescind the offer. The job that I left out is somewhat related to the job I was offered, so I could see how it…

I've been working really crappy jobs not related to my field of study, but I finally got an offer at a company where I would be working in my field and gaining good experience. They asked me to list my employment history for the last three years, and I put down everything except for one job. I didn't mean to leave it out, I just forgot to put it down. The thing is, I was only at that job for a couple of weeks anyway and didn't have a good experience there at all, so I don't really feel like it's relevant anyway. But I'm worried that my new employer will do a background check, see that I've omitted that job, think that I'm sketchy, and rescind the offer. The job that I left out is somewhat related to the job I was offered, so I could see how it would be questionable for me not to mention it. It's not like this new job pays particularly well or anything, but I feel like it's my only chance to move out of the food service industry into a job that could actually advance my career. I'm ultimately trying to get to a place where I'm my own employer or where I'm an independent contractor so I don't have to put up with BS from companies. For now, I need a good stepping stone job, and I'm desperate to get out of retail and food service. Did I screw myself?

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