
On probation for not making friends with my coworkers (and other stupid reasons)

I (26 M) work in the non profit sector (I am a music director at a church, I know this might not be popular on here…) and my boss has put me on probation for several reasons, but the main one is that I do not make friends with my coworkers, and use my headphones too much. in my own office. ​ I have a disability that makes it difficult to do make friends, and my employer is well aware, with diagnosis by a Doctor on file. ​ My coworkers are all 40+ years older than me, and have no experience in my field, we share no interests or political views. even without the disability I would not be friends with them. I am friendly towards them, but our relationship is purely professional, and my boss does not like that. ​ the other reasons are that I do my job…

I (26 M) work in the non profit sector (I am a music director at a church, I know this might not be popular on here…) and my boss has put me on probation for several reasons, but the main one is that I do not make friends with my coworkers, and use my headphones too much. in my own office.

I have a disability that makes it difficult to do make friends, and my employer is well aware, with diagnosis by a Doctor on file.

My coworkers are all 40+ years older than me, and have no experience in my field, we share no interests or political views. even without the disability I would not be friends with them. I am friendly towards them, but our relationship is purely professional, and my boss does not like that.

the other reasons are that I do my job description and contract, and he has added more tasks to my week NOT on my contract, and he said I am not doing what I am supposed to do. In my interview, I was very clear that I do my job, but as soon as I am done, I go home, and don't sit around talking.

I know this is a bit rambly, but I am so frustrated and need to rant to some like minded individuals. not only am I on probation for stupid reasons, but my employer is refusing to make the “Reasonable accommodation” of not making me be friends with and socialize with my coworkers outside of work hours.

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