
On top of everything else going on in my life, elderly owner of the company I work for decides to get in a fight and insult me on a shared call

This happened two days ago. For anyone who’s reading this. Don’t ever work for a family office. The owners are the managers and they are the most toxic and manipulative people I have had the displeasure of working with in my life. My boss is the son of the above-mentioned elderly owner. The call with the elderly owner (and his direct report aka spy) went like this: Him: “[My name] why have you not done anything about this [task details] yet? You’ve been with us for [number of years] and this is still pending” Me: “We (my supervisor John and I) told you on several occasions that you had to go to X place and personally do it. We went to your office to remind you about this many times, and many people have witnessed this.” Him: “Liar! You are zero i.e unproductive. I’m going to have to speak to…

This happened two days ago.

For anyone who’s reading this. Don’t ever work for a family office. The owners are the managers and they are the most toxic and manipulative people I have had the displeasure of working with in my life.

My boss is the son of the above-mentioned elderly owner.

The call with the elderly owner (and his direct report aka spy) went like this:

Him: “[My name] why have you not done anything about this [task details] yet? You’ve been with us for [number of years] and this is still pending”

Me: “We (my supervisor John and I) told you on several occasions that you had to go to X place and personally do it. We went to your office to remind you about this many times, and many people have witnessed this.”

Him: “Liar! You are zero i.e unproductive. I’m going to have to speak to my son about this” here’s the point where I told him (while trying to contain my anger) that I don’t accept this language etc and I have nothing to hide.

Him: “Well, if your supervisor John is lazy why don’t you come to my office and tell me that he’s not doing this on time” Me: “John is not lazy. I told you you had to do this task on your own.” He lost his temper after this and ended the call shortly.

After that, I sent a message to my boss/his son letting him know what happened and that I don’t accept being disrespected and unappreciated after years of hard work with this company, which is why I’ll be leaving soon. To which he responded “I wasnt aware about this. I’ll speak with him. You are appreciated. Let’s discuss this in the office.”

I have been actively trying to find another job for months. Leaving this company without having another position secured would mean more time searching for other jobs, worse salary prospects, and frankly, breaking the bank.

  • Elderly owner has disliked me since day 1 of my employment but I didn’t give it much thought because he never crossed any lines with me, up until that call.
  • I am underpaid compared to people who work in my position.
  • Office culture is terrible and politics are rampant. Employees are pitted against each other all the time in order to please the owners.
  • Late pay most months.
  • If you work hard you are rewarded with more work. Never any increments or bonus. You have to beg for that.
  • No work/life balance. You are expected to receive calls and conduct virtual meetings with people from different timezones after hours.

No, I do not live in the US or any country where the above would be unacceptable. I don’t expect anyone here to help me. I am just venting.

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