
One meeting and you’ve lost one of your best

I’m a hard worker. I’ll do the overtime if you need help, dedicated, a nice person. I am awkward at socialising, so my brain goes to awful corny jokes or very light banter. Many people banter with each other here. I’m quite shy but will occasionally have a one liner to deliver. It takes a lot for me to speak up in any situation. Been here 20 months. I have many people I get on well with. My manager promoted me with a raise recently and I’ve been lead on the new system and training new hires. Recently at work, a general meeting with my manager and his boss, talking about something else, was used to also bring up things which should have been said at a performance review. They told me that, among other things, while I was very liked across the company and they both like my humour,…

I’m a hard worker. I’ll do the overtime if you need help, dedicated, a nice person.

I am awkward at socialising, so my brain goes to awful corny jokes or very light banter. Many people banter with each other here. I’m quite shy but will occasionally have a one liner to deliver. It takes a lot for me to speak up in any situation.

Been here 20 months.

I have many people I get on well with. My manager promoted me with a raise recently and I’ve been lead on the new system and training new hires.

Recently at work, a general meeting with my manager and his boss, talking about something else, was used to also bring up things which should have been said at a performance review.

They told me that, among other things, while I was very liked across the company and they both like my humour, we have lots of new people and they don’t like my jokes.

Really loved my job beforehand, one of the best workers. Now, sure, but I’m not going to do any extra and I am extremely paranoid and anxious, maybe even a little depressed. There’s three new people I work with, I trained all three. Constantly anxious now. Feel betrayed by my manager who I got on well with and have learnt a hard lesson.

I was telling one of the few people I trust at work (now even less) and she couldn’t understand why as I don’t make many jokes and there are people who say much worse than me. Most jokes I say are corny dad jokes. No offensive material.

Amazing how one 25 minute meeting can really ruin you and potentially lose them an excellent employee.oh yes, but they want me to train others and compliment sandwich BLAHHHH

Well done. Confidence shattered. Now I just don’t speak unless a work question. A few people have asked if I’m ok and said I don’t look happy. Well, yeah, no shit.

Now, I stick to my scheduled hours and take all of my breaks.

Tonight, I’ve updated my CV and will be sending it out, without my employer’s knowledge at first. I haven’t decided yet if I’ll wait and see if things improve, or if I’ll jump ship.

It’ll be a shame as I really did love my job, but now…I just don’t.

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