
One on one shifts

I’m so sick of my job thinking it’s acceptable to have one on one shifts in a busy shop. We keep constantly having to be one on one and it’s even worse when it’s the night shift which we are more likely to be robbed on. I’m sick of the management saying ‘well we have to do it’, no you don’t! You do the rota. I’m so close to just quitting but I need the money to pay rent. Sorry for the rant but I need to get it off my chest. This is all because apparently we have “no hours” to the point where staff are having to take paid absences but still attend work so that we can still have staff in.

I’m so sick of my job thinking it’s acceptable to have one on one shifts in a busy shop.
We keep constantly having to be one on one and it’s even worse when it’s the night shift which we are more likely to be robbed on.

I’m sick of the management saying ‘well we have to do it’, no you don’t! You do the rota.
I’m so close to just quitting but I need the money to pay rent.
Sorry for the rant but I need to get it off my chest.

This is all because apparently we have “no hours” to the point where staff are having to take paid absences but still attend work so that we can still have staff in.

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