
One rule for me, one rule for thee

I work in the cleaning industry and was hired on as a cleaner for an apartment complex. The man who interviewed me loved me, but he unfortunately quit about a week after I came on. He shoved me in with two maintenance guys where I just cleaned up after them as they went. It really wasn’t much work and even they admitted it. My new ‘boss’ made a snarky comment one day about me not working and then stormed off to tell the apartment manager (who was leaving in 2 days). I wasn’t reprimanded like I expected, he actually complimented my work on one of the units. I thought everything was okay. That was 2 weeks ago. Cut to today. I was taking a 15 when boss man rounds the corner, sees me sitting on a paint bucket with my phone, and he snaps a photo. I get a call…

I work in the cleaning industry and was hired on as a cleaner for an apartment complex. The man who interviewed me loved me, but he unfortunately quit about a week after I came on. He shoved me in with two maintenance guys where I just cleaned up after them as they went. It really wasn’t much work and even they admitted it.

My new ‘boss’ made a snarky comment one day about me not working and then stormed off to tell the apartment manager (who was leaving in 2 days). I wasn’t reprimanded like I expected, he actually complimented my work on one of the units. I thought everything was okay. That was 2 weeks ago.

Cut to today. I was taking a 15 when boss man rounds the corner, sees me sitting on a paint bucket with my phone, and he snaps a photo. I get a call from the regional manager telling me that she’s received photos from my ‘boss’ showing me sitting or on my phone and that they were letting me go. The rub is: we ALL did that. My ‘boss’ would even lay on the floor and nap in the units we were in while watching some show. He was constantly on his phone. They showed each other nudes on their phones, talked endlessly about sex (which always confused me because one of them is very gay) It was just an overall unprofessional environment. They’d just sit in one of their trucks for hours watching YouTube while hiding by the dumpster. I didn’t even think to take photos or anything because it seemed like that was how it was there. I still got my work done, I did what I could around the complex, I wasn’t just some lazy person trying to take advantage, I really wanted that job and I guess I fell victim to the culture.

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