
One thing is what if we become the donators

What I mean by donators is that all corporations donate to democrats and republicans to do there bidding. Why not we form a company with the goal of buying out politicians. Citizens United overturned a bipartisan bill that banned this but why not we the people abuse it. The idea, a non-profit organization that relies on people donation to buy out our politicans. We would need to generate 10k for one politican but if we all donate a dollar or even more, we could start the machine to finally overturn citizens united or even pass the laws we want not the one's corporations love. Politicans could become more expensive because of this idea but right now, we could start buying them.

What I mean by donators is that all corporations donate to democrats and republicans to do there bidding. Why not we form a company with the goal of buying out politicians. Citizens United overturned a bipartisan bill that banned this but why not we the people abuse it.

The idea, a non-profit organization that relies on people donation to buy out our politicans. We would need to generate 10k for one politican but if we all donate a dollar or even more, we could start the machine to finally overturn citizens united or even pass the laws we want not the one's corporations love. Politicans could become more expensive because of this idea but right now, we could start buying them.

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