
Only jobs in this area are light industrial 12 hour shifts, on feet whole time, shit pay and benefits

Just spent the morning going around to all the temp agencies. All they have is light industrial gigs that require 12 hour standing shifts, which I can’t do due to a disability. I’m willing to work, but all that’s available are grueling jobs that both require excellent physical health and will also destroy your physical health, with shit pay and benefits. bUt nO oNe Is WiLliNg tO wOrK

Just spent the morning going around to all the temp agencies. All they have is light industrial gigs that require 12 hour standing shifts, which I can’t do due to a disability. I’m willing to work, but all that’s available are grueling jobs that both require excellent physical health and will also destroy your physical health, with shit pay and benefits.

bUt nO oNe Is WiLliNg tO wOrK

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