

am aware of the no overtime, however are they able to force me to work 13-14 hour days? We work mon-friday so basicly i am being forced to work overtime hours without the overtime pay? I wish i was able to request wednesday off or something to just lighten my load just a little. In the interview i said i was looking for full time and honestly really only available for 10 hours daily, he said it was an “anomoly” the first few days working these hours but i havent seen an early day yet, i wake up at 5 am and usually get home around 8pm and quite honestly getting fed up and only have been here about 3 weeks. I dont have much money to be quitting right now, but i feel so drained that at this point in my life i would rather be homeless getting some…

am aware of the no overtime, however are they able to force me to work 13-14 hour days? We work mon-friday so basicly i am being forced to work overtime hours without the overtime pay? I wish i was able to request wednesday off or something to just lighten my load just a little.

In the interview i said i was looking for full time and honestly really only available for 10 hours daily, he said it was an “anomoly” the first few days working these hours but i havent seen an early day yet, i wake up at 5 am and usually get home around 8pm and quite honestly getting fed up and only have been here about 3 weeks.

I dont have much money to be quitting right now, but i feel so drained that at this point in my life i would rather be homeless getting some sleep than to be working like this.

Do i have any leg to stand on telling them i am only available for 10 hours? The problem is we all go in the work truck and obviously me wanting to leave early will be a problem, but i dont think its fair for me to sacrafice 13 hours or more of my life just because they think its okay to book thousands of jobs. Could i be terminated for telling them i do not require these many hours and request to not come in on wednesdays?

All of this has just been really stressfull, my mother had just gotten a new job, and our hours were finally getting to a point where we could actually see eachother and hangout some days, but now this new job, we dont have any time for that anymore. I feel as if no one respects my time, meanwhile i am expected to churn out well over 44 hours worth of productivity in a week.

Edit Don't want anyone to worry about me, honestly i could quit and my mother would help me get by untill i find something else, however im tired of putting her through these situations as i am a grown man, just havnt found the right job for me yet.

Update I quit, went in on rain day, boss calls meeting for all landscape crew, instead of saying something reasonable like” hey its gonna rain all day take today off and tomorrow we will have to do todays properties and shift every other a day over and you will have to work saturday” hes all like ” you guys need to focus on attention to detail because i was in a meeting with a customer and saw ONE weed under his tree” like okay fuck right off buddy, then i find out this chick from the other crew didnt show up or call in,because of the rain.

This chick has said to me before “im not gonna stop working till i get hit by lightning” obvioously she couldnt put her money where her mouth is, so i went up and quit, told him i have zero interest in staying out in the rain longer than i have to helping this stupid bitched crew finish their properties because she had to be a no show.

The crazy thing is that this bitch is gonna have a job tomorrow and i wont. Fucking hate this world.

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