
Options for wealth accumulation without exploitation

Hi there! Politically, I'm against the private owning of means of production, as well as any systems that allow and or encourage exploitation. I'm also sick and tired of being of being exploited by the owning class, and am trying to explore all my options for avoiding a future in which I spend so much of my time struggling to maintain housing, food for my family, etc. The only advertised escape route is through capitalist actions, most obvious being being some kind of entrepreneur and getting oneself to a point where they are now the exploiter. I don't want that for me, and so I'm trying to discover any and all other options for wealth accumulation without exploitation, if there are any past doing labor directly for someone (ie the way a private contractor is hired directly by the person who needs work done). What do y'all think? What's the…

Hi there! Politically, I'm against the private owning of means of production, as well as any systems that allow and or encourage exploitation. I'm also sick and tired of being of being exploited by the owning class, and am trying to explore all my options for avoiding a future in which I spend so much of my time struggling to maintain housing, food for my family, etc.

The only advertised escape route is through capitalist actions, most obvious being being some kind of entrepreneur and getting oneself to a point where they are now the exploiter. I don't want that for me, and so I'm trying to discover any and all other options for wealth accumulation without exploitation, if there are any past doing labor directly for someone (ie the way a private contractor is hired directly by the person who needs work done).

What do y'all think? What's the most someone can make in capitalist societies without being a link on the chain of exploitation?

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