
Options other than the 40hr week urban lifestyle?

I'm nearing the end of my working life, but I do wish that there had been other options rather than the salary/wage tread mill. Many assume that the socialist/marxist route is the option. That system has never worked anywhere that has tried it (change my mind – but if you think the theory is fine but the experiment fails every time, the theory is disproved, IMO). Latest example seems to be Venezuela. I'm thinking no-work is not feasible, because there are things to do re putting a roof over ones head, and food on the table. But is 40+ hours labour for most of the year really necessary to secure the basics? Israel has the Kibbutz system. The hippies of the 60s and 70s had their communes. So I'll ask the question, what is a viable model? eg, If you lived on an agricultural kibbutz/commune/collective, how many hours work a…

I'm nearing the end of my working life, but I do wish that there had been other options rather than the salary/wage tread mill.

Many assume that the socialist/marxist route is the option.
That system has never worked anywhere that has tried it (change my mind – but if you think the theory is fine but the experiment fails every time, the theory is disproved, IMO).
Latest example seems to be Venezuela.

I'm thinking no-work is not feasible, because there are things to do re putting a roof over ones head, and food on the table.
But is 40+ hours labour for most of the year really necessary to secure the basics?

Israel has the Kibbutz system.

The hippies of the 60s and 70s had their communes.

So I'll ask the question, what is a viable model?
eg, If you lived on an agricultural kibbutz/commune/collective, how many hours work a day/month year would be necessary to cover the basics, and what would the basics be?

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