
Organizing is Happening

The recent writers strike and successful negotiation has resulted in a surge of leads for the local branch of the little revolutionary industrial union I belong to. It’s like this all over the US. Interest in unionization is surging. Talk to your coworkers. Reach out to existing unions. Seek information on how to effectively organize. I feel like there are rules about plugging organizations, so I won’t, but if you wobble around the internet there’s a lot of good organizing info. Look into AEIOU for first steps at organizing. The iron is hot.

The recent writers strike and successful negotiation has resulted in a surge of leads for the local branch of the little revolutionary industrial union I belong to. It’s like this all over the US. Interest in unionization is surging. Talk to your coworkers. Reach out to existing unions. Seek information on how to effectively organize.

I feel like there are rules about plugging organizations, so I won’t, but if you wobble around the internet there’s a lot of good organizing info. Look into AEIOU for first steps at organizing. The iron is hot.

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