
Osha and restaurants

I was wondering if OSHA comes to restaurants and if this would be a valid reason to call. I work at a sports bar, started about a month ago, and it’s so disgusting it’s unreal. Our soda and ice machines, soda guns at the bar, all sinks in the bar and the rails where we hold the liquor are CAKED in black mold and pink slime. I brought a water to my table and it had chunks of mold in it from the machine, I was so embarrassed. Nobody cleans them and when this was brought up they brushed it off and told me I was doing more than anyone else and all I did was wipe it out after i was cut. This is also the only drinking water they offer staff. Saturday night I was on hour 15 of my shift and I asked for a water bottle…

I was wondering if OSHA comes to restaurants and if this would be a valid reason to call. I work at a sports bar, started about a month ago, and it’s so disgusting it’s unreal. Our soda and ice machines, soda guns at the bar, all sinks in the bar and the rails where we hold the liquor are CAKED in black mold and pink slime. I brought a water to my table and it had chunks of mold in it from the machine, I was so embarrassed. Nobody cleans them and when this was brought up they brushed it off and told me I was doing more than anyone else and all I did was wipe it out after i was cut. This is also the only drinking water they offer staff. Saturday night I was on hour 15 of my shift and I asked for a water bottle since I already drank my other ones and couldn’t leave to get more and was denied. They told me to drink the moldy water or suffer (my managers words). Is that even legal? Don’t most places legally have to provide clean drinking water that meets basic health standards? I want to report them because it’s unfair to staff and guests to be forced to drink this nasty shit. Would OSHA be the right people to contact or shouldI report to someone else like my countys health dept? I’m in NJ btw.

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