
Other people getting a raise when you didn’t, even though your performance has been at least as good, feels like absolute shit.

In the contract I signed, it doesn't say not to discuss pay. They say it's in their handbook and against company policy, but that doesn't mean much. If they didn't want me to discuss pay, then they should have had me sign a contract saying so. I was told to call HR, and so I did. They all say “ask for a raise! Stand up for yourself! This is why you don't get paid” well actually, no. You get shitlisted, apparently. I wonder if I hadn't asked that I would have gotten the raise. When I called, it was condescending truth-aversion. They'll get back to me Monday. I was not happy with the conversation, they were rude and it was clearly them trying to punish the others for telling me. I gave them no names. They can see with their own eyes who they've chosen to get a raise over…

In the contract I signed, it doesn't say not to discuss pay. They say it's in their handbook and against company policy, but that doesn't mean much. If they didn't want me to discuss pay, then they should have had me sign a contract saying so.

I was told to call HR, and so I did. They all say “ask for a raise! Stand up for yourself! This is why you don't get paid” well actually, no. You get shitlisted, apparently. I wonder if I hadn't asked that I would have gotten the raise. When I called, it was condescending truth-aversion. They'll get back to me Monday. I was not happy with the conversation, they were rude and it was clearly them trying to punish the others for telling me. I gave them no names. They can see with their own eyes who they've chosen to get a raise over me. Can't punish them all. In fact, unless it says in their contracts they can't discuss it then you can't do shit. Good luck firing anyone in NZ even if that were the case.

They can kiss my overtime goodbye. No more Saturdays. I'm stretching out my work to the maximum so I only do the minimum. Minimum pay, minimum effort. I am done. I'll be handing in my resignation again before Christmas now that I have stability to do so. They're going to be pissed with the back and forth but honestly? They deserve it for how much time they've spent jerking me around.

I am incredibly depressed because of this and when I handed in my resignation before withdrawing it. They were giving me inequal work with poor excuses, and made it worse when I handed it in. I pointed this out to them with my timesheets, and they gave me a spiel about how valuable I am and how they'll change it and whatever. To their credit they did, so I withdrew it.

But finding out about the inequal wages…It really crushed me. All this over a measly dollar. I know if I don't stand up for myself now, then I might not ever in any future job. I have something to look forward to, but then again, what if it all just ends up the same? I get treated the worst no matter what. I get treated like a criminal trying to fix it.

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