
Our power lies in gig work

I know most of us (myself included for a long time) sit on here complaining about our jobs, seeing the absolutely terrible treatment people go through on a daily basis, all while making shit money. Then immediately after browsing or posting here we go back to our day jobs and hate our life. Let’s be real, for the majority of us, not working at all just isn’t possible or sustainable. BUT… I have found SO much freedom in gig/temporary work. It has put the power back in my hands. It makes the employer fight for my business instead of the other way around. They constantly have to prove why I should work for them, or I’ll move right along to the next thing. I have actually found a somewhat regular position where I’m paid well for a job I enjoy and am treated very respectfully…all because I kept bouncing around…

I know most of us (myself included for a long time) sit on here complaining about our jobs, seeing the absolutely terrible treatment people go through on a daily basis, all while making shit money. Then immediately after browsing or posting here we go back to our day jobs and hate our life. Let’s be real, for the majority of us, not working at all just isn’t possible or sustainable.


I have found SO much freedom in gig/temporary work. It has put the power back in my hands. It makes the employer fight for my business instead of the other way around. They constantly have to prove why I should work for them, or I’ll move right along to the next thing. I have actually found a somewhat regular position where I’m paid well for a job I enjoy and am treated very respectfully…all because I kept bouncing around gig to gig until I found a great place…so I keep going back. If any of those things change though, I’ll move right along to the next job!

I’m not trying to speak from a high horse and know this lifestyle may not be possible for many people, but we need to remind employers why they need us more than we need them. If a company keeps having to train new workers that then quit right away from terrible pay/working conditions, they won’t stay afloat long and will learn their lesson the hard way.

As harsh as it may sound, if we keep showing up to work and putting up with bad treatment and pay, we are part of the problem. This relays to employers that they can keep doing exactly what they’re doing.

I know this has been a jumble of random thoughts but just wanted to share my realization

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