
Our Union is being bullied and about to lose the fight

I cannot believe this, it is actually crazy. We voted on a contract that included some marginally decent benefits, 6% raise, keeping health insurance costs low, and new boots…This contract went back and forth and ultimately this is what was agreed upon by both parties, so we thought. Well guess what, just because we voted yes on it doesn’t mean my employer is accepting it. This was in January, and the 6% raise was agreed to be retroactive for the start of 2024. Now after some hard realizations about there poor budgeting, they are saying they have no money or means to honor this contract and are walking back everything they agreed upon in the contract and steam rolling the union. Well it’s about to get interesting but ultimately I believe the 400 + blue collar workers under this contract will be shafted all while the people who are now…

I cannot believe this, it is actually crazy. We voted on a contract that included some marginally decent benefits, 6% raise, keeping health insurance costs low, and new boots…This contract went back and forth and ultimately this is what was agreed upon by both parties, so we thought.

Well guess what, just because we voted yes on it doesn’t mean my employer is accepting it. This was in January, and the 6% raise was agreed to be retroactive for the start of 2024. Now after some hard realizations about there poor budgeting, they are saying they have no money or means to honor this contract and are walking back everything they agreed upon in the contract and steam rolling the union. Well it’s about to get interesting but ultimately I believe the 400 + blue collar workers under this contract will be shafted all while the people who are now turning the contract away got a 7%+ raise this year. I am so tired of it. Shame on me for getting excited to think I would be making $53,000 this year (the most I’ve ever made in a year) getting a free pair of boots, and a back pay check of $1000. What a 🤡.

End of rant.

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